Breastfeeding Training

Health Care Practices
We provide in-person and virtual trainings for staff from front office staff to physicians on best practices. Additionally, provide educational materials appropriate to meet the needs of their patients.
Childcare centers/homes
We train sites on how to successfully support infant feeding practices including safe handling and storage of breastmilk and infant formula, identifying hunger and fullness cues, and recognizing signs for solid food readiness. Additionally, sites learn how to support breastfeeding women and discover the benefits of breastfeeding for mother, baby and childcare program.
We provide training to management on NYS Labor Law Section 206-C Breastfeeding in the Workplace Accommodation Law (2007), Breastfeeding Mothers’ Bill of Rights and specifically how to accommodate the needs of a mom returning to work. We also provide examples of accommodations that are private space for lactation and we promote flexible break time to pump.