Health Care Practices

Become a Breastfeeding Friendly Practice
Health care providers play an integral role in promoting and supporting a woman’s decision to breastfeed. This promotion and support begin during preconception care and continues through prenatal, postpartum and ongoing care of the woman, the infant and her family. Providers are vital sources of expertise to communicate the advantages of breastfeeding and the risks of not breastfeeding, help promote exclusivity and enable long-term breastfeeding success based on the mother’s intentions. Resources are available for providers to promote and support a woman’s decision to breastfeed at
Breastfeeding Friendly Practices by County
Provider practices that are already designated in your county.
Practice Spotlight
We are proud and grateful to all the health care practices we work with as they continue to try to provide breastfeeding support/resources to their patients despite the barriers of the COVID epidemic.
Capital Care Pediatrics Albany Breast Feeding Consult Room – Before and After

US Breastfeeding Committee- going back to work guidance
Birthnet- ensuring birth justice
Kelly Mom- parenting source
Ask Dr Sears- parenting source
La Leche League International- lactation support
Local LLL- lactation support
Greenbush La Leche League – Breastfeeding Support
Shades of Light | Capital area postpartum support
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) | USDA-FNS